Yacopsae - "VORLÄUFIGE VERNICHTUNG” LP (German Import)


The original version planned by the band at the time. With the correct song versions and the original cover artwork Nothing has changed purely musically, a 39-song ultra-condensed album recorded in 2001. Musically this is one of the fastest records in HC history. YACOPSAE’S turbocharged Power Violence/Thrash is a paragon of precision and accuracy. While most Fastcore have a cluster bomb effect, YACOPSAE are more like a laser guided weapon used for surgical strikes. Each of the 39 song bursts on this album is like a kick in the groin - short and fierce, but crafted to leave a lasting impression FAST FAST FAST!

From Stoffel of Yacopsae:

The LP is the rough version of our "Einstweilige Vernichtung" album on SLAP A HAM. The rough mix with the first vocal takes and in the original recording order - including talks/noises between the songs, plus the original artwork. Chris rejected our first cover ideas back in the day. I accidentally discovered these recordings in our archive when Tom asked for a re-release of "EV". I thought it could be more interesting instead of douing a 1:1 re-release. Additionally I wrote very detailled liner notes about the progress how we met Chris Dodge for the very first time and how we ended up on SLAP A HAM.

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