Blasting Concept - “Sloth Rocket” LP

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Influenced by Bl'ast!, SST, RKL, and Annihilation Time, Bla'sting Concept expertly melds '70s rock with early '80s SoCal hardcore. Goleta, Santa Barbara, and Ventura have a long history of this sort of ear damage... there is a reason that these cities produced RKL, Annihilation Time and Bla'sting Concept. The only odd thing is that Bla'sting Concept is releasing an LP on Ebullition Records, which doesn't normally release such rock-influenced records, however, Jeff Capra, one of Bla'sting Concept's two guitarists, was also in Manumission which Ebullition released over 20 years ago. Jeff has actually been in a million hardcore bands over the last 25 years... Like It Or Not, Manumission, Holier Than Thou?, Become, Broken Needle, Embassy, Ochre, Surprise Vacation and probably a few others as well. When guitarist Calvin (formerly of Bone Explosion) started Bla'sting Concept back in 2009, he was heavily influenced by Bl'ast!, but over the years the band has become more and more influenced by '70s rock while still retaining those original Bl'ast! influences.

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